Friday, March 30, 2012

CSI Concept Map

This How to Process a Crime Scene concept map for the Junior Studio class was aimed at researching and mapping out a concept. The map's function is to instruct and inform the user of the process of investigating a crime scene. We were also required to include two infographics that relate to our overall topic. My concept mostly focuses on the effect of typography in guiding a user to read a document that contains a lot of information. I also wanted to make the infographics simple and clean so that they are easily readable and do not fight for attention against the main portion of the concept map.

Field Guide

 Front side:

Back side:

Relating to Austin, we created a field guide in our Junior Studio class about a subject of our choice. I chose to create my field guide about older, forgotten types of candy and where it can be located in Austin. I decided to design my field guide in laminated cards that mimicked a box of recipe cards. Each card has an image of the packaging, the name of the candy, where it can be located in Austin, an availability rating, a description of the candy, the history of the candy, a recipe to make a homemade version of the candy, an ease of recipe rating, and an image of the candy itself. All 16 of my candies have their own card and all 16 cards fit into a box.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Website Analysis

Before designing our own website, each student was required to analyze and create a poster that critiqued a popular website. We were to select a site from a restricted list that included,,,,,, and My analysis focused on the login and sign out pages of facebook, the home page, and a profile with the new timeline feature.

Portfolio Website

The above photo of my website will link to the full functioning website. Each student was asked to create a website in our Interaction Design class. Students were allowed to choose a site to redesign from the list of sites from our previous wesbite analysis assignment, or students could create a portfolio to showcase their own work. I chose to create a portfolio for my work. Each student was restricted to a set of colors and typefaces that were allowed to be used. The only adjustments allowed to the color palette was to edit the opacity, or change the color to a spot color instead of a process color and edit the hue.

My restrictions were to Times New Roman and Verdana, and these colors:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Book Binding: Music Book


This is book three of three for our book binding assignment. It focuses on music in Austin and was hand sewn, glued, and bound. The purpose was to create a book that was non-PDFable, and gave the reader an experience that could not be had by viewing it on screen. The hard covers of these books are covered with a book cloth that I printed different designs on that relate to the information inside.

Book Binding: Art Book


This is book two of three for our book binding assignment. It focuses on art in Austin and was hand sewn, glued, and bound. The purpose was to create a book that was non-PDFable, and gave the reader an experience that could not be had by viewing it on screen. The hard covers of these books are covered with a book cloth that I printed different designs on that relate to the information inside.

Book Binding: Architecture Book


This is book one of three for our book binding assignment. It focuses on architecture in Austin and was hand sewn, glued, and bound. The purpose was to create a book that was non-PDFable, and gave the reader an experience that could not be had by viewing it on screen. The hard covers of these books are covered with a book cloth that I printed different designs on that relate to the information inside.