Saturday, March 19, 2011

Symbol Methodology Project

The following images are from a Graphic Design I project titled "Symbol Methodology".  The idea is to create three symbols for an institution by using the methodology. The institution I chose was telecommunications. The three categories I chose to describe telecommunications are: visual communication, text communication, and audio communication. We began the methodology by coming up with 100 words to describe our institution.

From the three categories- visual communication, text communication, and audio communication- we came up with three attributes from each. The attributes are- visual communication: smoke signals, photography, and video chat, text communication: letters, email, and texting, and audio communication: magnetic recordings, CB radio, and morse code. From this, we created one symbol for each attribute. For each category, one of the attributes symbols was photorealistic, one was hand-drawn, and one was abstracted.

With these original symbols, we then put them into "the matrix". The matrix allowed us to create 12 new symbols by "breeding" the originals together. Per category, we combined the hand-drawn+abstract, hand-drawn+photorealistic, photorealistic+abstract, and hand-drawn+photorealistic+abstract.

The next step involved picking one hybrid symbol per category and vectorizing it in Adobe Illustrator.

And finally, we chose one final symbol per category.

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